Amanda hooked me on cowboy candy.
My friend Amanda told me about it and how she put it on everything… When I went to visit her, I finally understood the hype! Amanda made the MOST amazing breakfast and pulled out the cowboy candy. I poured it all over the gorgeous frittata she made, and INSTANTLY, I was hooked! Now I get why she always has it on hand and why growing peppers in her garden is a MUST. (I am growing peppers now too :))
seriously girl, cowboy candy is a staple you gotta keep in your fridge.
With only a few simple ingredients you can instantly elevate your meal! Let’s say you are having a mundane breakfast like—boiled eggs— just add a few pieces of cowboy candy on top of the eggies – and voila! Then at lunch or dinner, add it to a bland piece of chicken for a special zing! Also, you can add it to The Best Chili recipe!
…And if you’re looking for a great holiday gift, Cowboy candy is always a hit !
be careful with pepper spice
About two weeks after being at Amanda’s house, one of my husband’s previous realtors called and told us randomly that her husband had burned his penis when he was in the kitchen helping her slice a variety of peppers! Apparently, the stench of pepper had stayed in his hands and oh boy did he have a problem. 🙁
Her daughter told her that witch hazel is the secret ingredient to get pepper spice out of your hands! So, if you make this, be sure to avoid contact with your eyes & genitals! Anyway, between these two ladies sharing with me their love for this yummy concoction, it has now been added to my repertoire.
recipe to make cowboy candy
Cowboy Candy
From the Kitchen of Cierra Danielle KinstonEquipment
- Mason Jars
- 3 lbs jalapeños
- 3-4 mason jars
- 4 cups cane sugar
- 2 cups apple cider vinegar
- Slice jalapeños—not too thin.
- Add sugar and apple cider vinegar into the pot and bring to a boil.
- Add in jalapeños to the sizzling sugar and acv.
- Cook jalapeños for about 4-5 minutes. I like mine to maintain a little bit of crunch.
- Since this is such a big batch, I can mine.
- I do not have a professional pressure canner yet. So, I wash the mason jars in hot soapy water to make sure they are clean.
- To further sterilize them, I add them into a soup pot with water and boil them to ensure cleanliness. We don’t want any invisible bacterias growing in our jars.
- I then add in the jalapeños to the jars, leaving about 1/4 inch of headspace at the top. Seriously DON'T fill them to the brim, they won’t seal properly.
- Once the jars are filled, I wipe the rims clean to ensure that no mold grows around.
- You can even damp the paper towel that you are wiping the rim with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
- Put the hot jars back into the boiling hot water that the jars were sterilized in and boil them for about 20 minutes.
- Once you take the jars out, you will hear the jars suck in and seal.
- You should be able to unscrew the lid of the mason jar and hold it by the seal lid—this is how you make sure the jar is sealed.
watch the video – cowboy candy & childlike faith
I only use jalapeños in the video, but feel free to get creative by adding any hot peppers! You can use whatever you have in the fridge or are growing in your garden! Also, try habaneros, serrano peppers, big Jim chilis etc. Have fun with it — I promise you will love these!