discovering the power of beef heart
Oh my lanta! Just when I thought I found the keys to the kingdom with beef liver… here comes beef heart & geez, it has changed my life.
If you guys read my last post, “Beef Liver Heals,” you know that I have been exploring a more carnivorous diet over the last 7 weeks. Perhaps I should do a blog post on how that has been going for me, but for now, let me tell you about my new lovahhhh—beef heart.
my initial fears and hesitations
Ok first and foremost, I was scared sh*tless when I bought this organ meat from my local farmer. I mean ya girl is definitely an explorer when it comes to cooking diverse foods for health and wellness—but a HEART?!!!!? I’m not gonna lie to you—I really had to mentally prepare myself for this venture, which is why my first beef heart sat in the freezer for about 2 weeks before I could bring myself to unthaw it, touch it, and cook it. I barely like touching the whole chicken when I make chicken soup, let alone touching an animal’s heart, cooking it, and EATING it.
What can I say… even though I have memaw tendencies, I am still a modern-day woman living in 2024. Hahaha.
the cooking experience
I finally decided to pull out the beef heart and cook it. I didn’t realize that the heart was so dense & that my husband and I would not be able to eat it in one sitting, so I naively seared the whole thing at once. (Don’t do this) Anyhow, after lightly searing the beef heart, we ate it. Well… I mostly ate it. My husband couldn’t stomach it—which is weird because he actually likes the taste of liver. I find liver to be absolutely DISGUSTING.
It was so strange that he didn’t like it, because beef heart basically tastes like faux steak. It tastes like steak—but you know it’s not steak. Does that make sense?
the euphoria effect of beef heart
Now… to the good part. After eating about 3oz, I got up from the table to wash the dishes. About 20 minutes had passed & I suddenly felt the most intense, most amazing surge of energy. Not only did I feel energy—but I felt like someone injected my veins with pure EUPHORIA. I am not exaggerating! Seriously! I am not making this up! You know that feeling you get when you drink coffee? I’ve had stimulants before, but this was not like that. This was like CLEAN energy. I felt like God poured a glass of joy inside of my body. Similar to beef liver, I felt like a princess in a magical kingdom.
The euphoria is seriously indescribable.
the nutritional benefits of beef heart
This got me curious…
After feeling the amazing effect Beef Heart had on me, it got me wondering WHY I had this surge of energy. What was it that made me feel so amazing?
So, I did some digging and found out that beef heart is packed with some pretty amazing stuff. First off, it’s loaded with B vitamins like B1, B2, B3, B5, and B12. These vitamins are like little helpers that turn the food you eat into energy, keep your nerves and blood healthy, and help your body stay in tip-top shape. They’re like the ultimate energy boosters!
But that’s not all. Beef heart also has choline, which is super important for your brain and muscles. It helps you think clearly and keeps your muscles working right.
And then there’s the star of the show… CoQ10. This one is a game-changer. CoQ10 is like a spark plug for your body’s cells. It helps them make energy. So, when you eat beef heart, you’re basically giving your cells a power-up, like in a video game! That’s why I felt that amazing, clean energy—it was my cells getting supercharged! This clean, sustained energy is different from the jittery feeling you might get from caffeine or other stimulants.
Eating beef heart can also help protect your own heart. The nutrients in beef heart, like CoQ10 and B vitamins, are really good for heart health. CoQ10 helps your heart cells make energy and keeps them strong. It also acts like a shield, protecting your heart from damage. So, by eating beef heart, you’re giving your heart the tools it needs to stay healthy and strong. It’s like giving your heart a little suit of armor.
Plus, if you are on the fertility journey—you may know that most doctors encourage a CoQ10 supplement for egg quality. Instead of supplementing, you can eat a bit of beef heart and know for certain that it is bioavailable for your body. Besides, most CoQ10 supplements are in the form of Ubiquinol—which is not bioavailable. You want Ubiquinone. (But please just eat the organ meat)
I bought supplements & I can tell you first-hand, the supplements do not do what the actual meat does. You don’t feel it the same way. Trust me.
Lastly, as someone who has dealt with many mental health crises, I am shocked at how much organ meat has lifted me up. In the book Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon says that vitamin B12 is really only bioavailable from animal products. For years, I have lived mostly off of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and vegan milks such as almond, walnut, cashew, and coconut. This would explain my extreme bouts with anxiety, hallucinations, & panic attacks.
I don’t want to lie to you and tell you I feel perfect now—but the me today versus the me from 7 weeks ago is a completely different person.
Most people who deal with anxiety, depression, and mental issues have a huge vitamin B12 deficiency. If you have struggled with your mental health, have your healthcare provider test you for the MTHFR mutation, and then have them check your B vitamin & folate levels. This could be the root of all your issues. While you wait for these tests to come back, try incorporating some organ meats. Seriously—they will change your life and your children’s life.
I can honestly say that they help with mental focus and clarity!
watch the video: beef heart will raise you up
how to prepare beef heart for optimal health benefits
Beef heart has seriously been a game-changer for me. If you’re looking for a way to boost your energy and feel amazing, give it a try. It might just change your life like it did mine. I’m telling you, this is THE superfood you need—trade in your green juice for beef liver & beef heart.
best practices for preparing beef heart
As I mentioned before, I cooked the entire heart the first time I made it. I wouldn’t recommend this because the heart is SOOOO nutrient-dense. You only need a few bites to get well over the daily recommended amount of vitamins and minerals. Plus, it’s better to eat it fresh.
Heart is a muscle. You have to keep in mind that the cow’s heart has been working its entire life—so the muscle is strong. With this in mind, you must realize that if you cook this for longer than a few seconds it is going to be super tough. I know some people actually enjoy heart meat, so they stick it in the crockpot for hours on end to get the meat super tender. Not me.
I eat beef heart as medicine & to feel good. I have no interest in doctoring it up and trying to savor the taste. Not interested.
The method that has been working for me is to let the heart unthaw. You don’t even have to let it unthaw fully. Just unthaw it enough so that you can cut it into semi-thin slices. Once you have sliced it up, line a glass tupperware with parchment paper and put the sliced pieces back into the freezer. Make sure to put parchment paper between the rows of meat so that it doesn’t stick together in the freezer.
I like to have 1 slice a couple of times a week. This is the easiest method. You can very easily take out one slice from the freezer, sear it, salt it, and just eat it with your morning eggs.
Remember, just sear for a few seconds on each side. You want to keep it a bit rare to preserve all those amazing nutrients.
Serve your kids a slice too. They won’t know that it’s not steak.
watch the video – let’s make beef heart